Healing Hearts: Claim your FREE Kosha Meditation for Restoration


Using any relaxing posture of your choice, or using a bolster and blanket if you have them, you'll find a position that's suitable for you.

Then my voice will guide you to start a gentle breathing practice.

As all layers of your existence (The Five Koshas,) including your mental and emotional bodies, fall into alignment with the unified field of consciousness, your eyes will open to the essence of Ancient Ayurveda and how healing it is.

This is the simplest way to connect fully with your abundant Essence.

Use this video training for six days in a row to get in touch with your feelings of unity and bliss as well as sensing what true health meant for the Ancients.

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Intuition | Restoration | Ayurveda

Hi I’m Asal

I’m an Ayurvedic practitioner, healing artist, consultant and educator to professionals.

My mission is to share what I have tested and learned in the world of holistic health and healing arts with you. My specialty is working through Ayurvedic Psychology and the mental and emotional aspects of existence.

I also love to support members of large organizations live a balanced and healthy life.

To get started with our journey together, I invite you to scroll to the top of the page and claim your FREE 20 minute transformational video meditation that will help you fully connect to your Higher Self.

YOUR EXPERIENCE A private retreat’s tale

“ Hi. My name is Josefina. I’m from Argentina and work in Tech, digital marketing.

For a long time, I felt stuck with certain emotions that I couldn’t identify. I felt a little confused sometimes. I felt I had something on the inside I couldn’t address what it was.

We did a personal retreat with Asal. We focused on a regression session and I didn’t know how it would work or what to expect at first.

During the regression session, I realized which emotions were stuck. We did a past life as well as an ancestral regression.

After the session and the trip, I’ve honestly been feeling so different and everyday I’ve been very conscious about what has changed. How I experience all my emotions and stress. “

I feel so relieved and sense I’m very accurate with what I say. I want others to know to ask about this transformational session.

- Josefina G., Media Specialist